How I Went From the victim of a Brutal Attempted Murder to Awakening my Inner Warrior, Mastering the Tool of Violence and Becoming the Man I was Meant to be and the ProtectR My Family Needs me to be...
At one time in my life, I was a man who had never been in a fight much less a violent assault.
27 years ago, I was violently attacked.
Complete strangers attempted to murder me...for NO REASON!
Beaten, bottled, head kicked into the ground by 8 attackers I was a total ‘Victim.’
It took over a year for the physical injuries to heal but the mental and emotional trauma was destroying my life from the inside out…
…I knew I had to make a change.
For the next thirty years I travelled the world studying violence. I trained with the best teachers from the Military, to Law Enforcement and Civilian, I had one single goal; to go from the victim I was, to someone who could protect himself and the people he loved from violence.
To be honest, four years into my training, I wasn’t sure if I would ever become a man that could face violence and win.
Then, one night while out for dinner with friends, a group of violent men began assaulting the customers in the restaurant, including the wife of my friend.
At first, I could feel the old ‘victim’ feelings inside of me…but…before those feelings could take hold, I felt something NEW.
I felt a Warriors WEAPONIZED mindset take over…Out of 100 men in the room no one, other than me, stood up to face those predators.
It’s scary how fast your life can change, for better or worse…In a couple minutes it was all over and this time it was me who was still standing and it was them taking a ride in the ambulance.
Now, I’m not the best athlete, I’m not the biggest or strongest man and I don’t think of myself as a ‘fighter.”
In that moment, I knew that I had gone from
I KNEW…without doubt that my training had Weaponized my mind and body and that I could NOW protect myself and the people I loved from acts of random or planned violence.
From that point on I made it my life's mission to clearly refine a process that takes good men from many of whom would have No experience and limited time to dedicate to training and simplify the 'heavy lifting' of going from knowing nothing to Awakening their ProtectR Within.
Greg LeBoeuf